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The Subliminal Audio Shopper's CheckList

The Subliminal Audio Shopper's CheckList

Fourteen things to look for to help you find the ones that will work for you

How to be sure you get your money's worth? How to tell if you're being ripped off?
How to evaluate the CDs you already have? Here's what to look for:


1. Are the messages in stereo?

Most subliminals use stereo only for the covering music or nature sounds, while the messages themselves are on a single track.  Many companies, including at least one of the leading brands, tell us proudly that their messages are in stereo, but what they don’t tell us is that both channels are identical!  This entirely defeats the purpose of stereo!  For them  “stereo” is only a marketing gimmick.  Alphasonics programs have separate channels scripted differently for right and left brain hemispheres.  Yet this is extremely rare, as only an estimated one to two percent of the brands have this feature.  It is extremely important, since the two sides of the brain take in information in entirely different ways.  An affirmation scripted clearly for one side of the brain is heard by the other side as if it were spoken in Outer Mongolian.  It just doesn’t get through. 


2. How many messages are on the tape or CD?

The basic minimum is in the 1000 to 1500 range.  That’s the number of short sentences you can read in an hour.  (Most tapes are a half hour on each side and most CDs are an hour total.)  A few manufacturers have increased that.  If they’ve gone to the extra trouble and expense of doing that, believe me they will tell you!  So if they don’t mention it, assume it’s the minimum.  A few increase the number to 2,000 to 3,000 and fewer still to the 20,000 range.  One or two claim 100,000.  Alphasonics has the only technology we have found, capable of putting over a million messages on a one hour cassette or CD, in real time.  It would take over 600 ordinary no-frills audio programs, played simultaneously on over 600 audio players to equal this.


Now the question people ask at this point is, “Can the mind absorb all this?”  The answer is a resounding YES!  And if you don’t believe me you are greatly underestimating the vast potential of that incredible organ inside your skull.  Scientists such as Carl Sagan and researchers at UCLA have agreed that our subconscious minds can process at least a hundred million bits of information per second!  


You and I and all the rest of us are under utilizing that brain of ours.  That’s what this subliminal business is all about, at the core of it — to help us use more and more of our brain power.  The possibilities are truly exciting.  What if we could reverse learning disabilities, even retardation?  We don’t know.  Some early signs do point in that direction.  The research which can tell us is greatly needed!


3. Are the messages speeded up?

Having said all that about large numbers of messages being a plus, I should caution you about one thing.  Nearly all the manufacturers who are increasing the number of messages are doing it by speeding them up.  It’s called “time compression,” and it’s very controversial.  Many experts say that once it gets past the speed where it sounds like Alvin the chipmunk, the words blur together into a meaningless high pitched squeal, which is just as unintelligible to the subconscious as to the conscious.


There’s another method that avoids this problem:  layering one sound track over another.  It’s the technique that allows recording artists to sing duets, trios, quartets with themselves.  This works well, but until recently the number of tracks which could be used effectively was severely limited.  


Then came the invention of an entirely new kind of sophisticated multi-tracking system, developed in the laboratories of Alphasonics.  It allows for the layering of 240 or more separate sound tracks!  This makes it possible to put well over a million messages on a one-hour cassette or CD, in what is known as “real time.”  No high speed recording is used!  No squeal!


A couple of audio companies, (ones without high tech capabilities whose tapes carry only a minimal number of messages) have made a desperate attempt to discredit their competitors.  They’ve taken to warning the public about tapes with large numbers of messages, citing the “squeal” factor.  They’re probably right about the high speed recordings.  The trouble is, they assume that high speed recording is the only method of increasing the number.  Although they claim to be electronic experts, they are apparently not yet even aware of the existence of multi-tracking.


4. Do they have themes and sub-themes?

The extra capacity for so many messages allows technicians to combine several scripts in one program.  A main theme can now be supported by several related sub-themes.  A “Stop Smoking” program can carry sub-themes to curb accompanying weight gain, promote will power, confidence and calm.  “Weight Control” can heighten self esteem, promote exercise and calm nervous eaters.  On an even deeper level, it can help the user conquer fears and food obsessions and develop healthy eating habits for the long term.  Since it’s the special multi-tracking system that makes this possible, no company other than Alphasonics has been able to do this.  


5. Is there a special introduction to prepare you?

Is there is an introduction which readies you for the messages? Alphasonics has developed a special Preparative Induction™. This means that the first five minutes of each program are designed to put you into a light alpha state which is more receptive.  Since these frequencies are also subliminal, you’re not aware of it consciously, but it can greatly increase your response to the program.  We have not seen this feature anywhere else at all.


6. Are Alpha and Theta waves increased?

Does the tape or CD in question have a method for increasing your Alpha and Theta brain waves to promote greatest receptivity?  If not, you may remain in Beta, a state in which the affirmations will have little effect.  (This helps to explain why some programs don’t work.)  This is easily verified, since the brain states are testable with laboratory equipment.  In fact many simple, inexpensive biofeedback devices give you a fairly good idea of this as well.  


Why is this important?  It is well known that you are most receptive when you are relaxed and open.  Much of the time, you’re in the Beta state, the ordinary, mundane state of mind, the one you’re in when you pay your bills and empty the garbage.  In the Alpha state you are calm and relaxed, yet alert and clear headed.  In fact it has been said that, given the correct information, you cannot make a wrong decision in the Alpha state.  This is the best state for listening to most subliminals.  In the Theta state you are even more relaxed and receptive, but not alert enough to go about your usual activities, as you are in Alpha.  (That’s why Theta is used only for programs promoting sleep and rest.)  Biofeedback practitioners have reported that Alphasonics programs put people into Alpha and Theta more quickly than any method they have seen.  A great many audios on the market do not address this goal at all.


7. Are the scripts entirely positive?

Who would write a negative script?  Hardly anybody does this intentionally.  But a lot of well meaning amateurs write sentences like, “Sugar is poison,” and “Tobacco is poison,” planting negative seeds in the mind and creating new problems for the user. This is horrendous!  Suppose you never ate another dessert for the rest of your life (and who among us would make a promise like that!)  What about hidden sugar in restaurant food, or natural fruit sugar in the apple you eat?  What about a non-smoker in a smoke filled room?  There’s enough negativity coming into our minds every day, without adding more!  When you use a negative suggestion there is always some unfortunate price to pay.  It’s universal law of nature.


We even came across one company (which shall remain nameless) whose weight loss tape actually has us visualizing our food turning to maggots on the plate! Heaven preserve us!  Could they actually be trying for anorexia?


Take another example from a third brand:  “I am happy because I don’t smoke.”  Words like “don’t” and “not” are generally not perceived by the subconscious.  So it hears “I am happy because I smoke.”  Is it any wonder that the tape doesn’t work?  


Not sure if you believe that?  Let’s actually do a mind experiment.  I’m going to help you break a habit, and just to make it easy, I’ll pick a habit you don’t even have.  I’ll say to you, “Don’t think of a purple tiger!”  Now, are you thinking of a purple tiger more or less than you were ten minutes ago?  How much effect did the word “don’t” have on you?  Not much, you say?  You say you’re still thinking of it anyway?  You just can’t resist, can you!


But I really want to help you break your purple tiger habit, so what if I say, “Don’t think of a purple tiger!”  to you over and over thousands of times a day?  You say that wouldn’t help?  You think it would just keep reminding you of purple tigers?  (Just as “Don’t smoke” reminds you to smoke!)  I guess you’re really hooked on this habit of yours.  Now what if I gave you a positive suggestion to think of something else so interesting that you forgot all about purple tigers?  Now we’re onto something!  Notice it’s the positive suggestions that work.


The point of all this is that the scripts must be written by professionals with a thorough understanding of the subconscious mind.  At Alphasonics, our scripts are prepared by a doctor who not only has this expertise but has used sophisticated biofeedback equipment to test the responses of the body to specific words and phrases.  Scripting is not done by guesswork.


8. Are the scripts written in the language of the subconscious?

The subconscious is very childlike.  It takes everything literally.  Sentences must be short, simple and direct.  They must avoid complicated “if” and “when” clauses.  “If I eat too much I will get fat,” could be heard by the subconscious as “I eat too much.  I will get fat.”  Could this ever backfire!  A sentence like that — in fact any long involved sentence — is a sure tip off that the writers have no idea what they are doing.  


9. Are they in the present tense?

The subconscious knows only the present.  A good script avoids the future tense.  After all, the future is always ahead of us.  It is always “now.”  For example, “I will succeed,” doesn’t work as an affirmation.  It tells the mind that you are not succeeding now.  It puts it off into a future that never comes.


10. Is there non-verbal reinforcement?

Do the programs depend entirely on verbal affirmations, or do they incorporate the whole range of sounds which the human ear can hear?  (So as not to send you on a frustrating wild goose chase, it’s only fair to tell you that Alphasonics has pioneered this unique technology, and you’re unlikely to find anything like this elsewhere.  It’s a type of Substimulation™ called Neurosonic Attunement™, and it refers to a whole series of tones and frequencies which resonate in specific glands and organs to balance and integrate and reinforce the verbal.  It also involves certain rhythmic patterns, used subliminally.  All this is carefully orchestrated to accompany the verbal messages.3  This technique is very powerful, perhaps even more powerful than the verbal affirmations.  So when it is combined with them to form a Dual Technology™ you can think of it as more than doubling the impact of the subliminal messages.


11. Are the scripts tested and approved by professionals?  

If it isn’t mentioned on the package, you can be fairly sure they’re not.  Here again, any company who’s gone to the trouble and expense of doing this would be foolish not to say so.  Although saying so doesn’t make it true, not saying so is a big tip off.  All Alphasonics scripts are written and reviewed by a panel of qualified health care professionals, so that you can be entirely confident about using them.


12. Is there a moneyback guarantee on results?

No self respecting subliminal program is without one.  A cheap one without a guarantee is no bargain!  Chances are you’re wasting your money.  A costlier product with a guarantee may be worth hundreds of times its price.  Remember that your goal is not to own a tape or CD but to get results!  All Alphasonics programs carry an extra generous 365 day guarantee on results, the longest in the industry.


13.  Is there a warranty on materials and workmanship?

Defective products should be replacable.  Alphasonics will always replace your tape or CD if it’s defective. 


14. Test the CD’s yourself! 

If you know how to use kinesiology it’s an ideal way to test quickly whether a program is right for you. Of course the ultimate test is to try the programs for yourself!  The proof is in the pudding.  If there’s a moneyback guarantee you have nothing to lose.