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Five Popular Myths About Subliminal Techniques

Five Popular Myths About Subliminal Techniques

Myth #1:  Subliminal programs might make you do something you don’t want to do.  Untrue.  They can help you reach your goals, but they must be your goals for them to work.  You are still very much in charge.  


Some part of you must want the change.  For example, in a struggle to lose weight, there is usually a battle between the part of you that wants a slender body and the part of you that wants the piece of fudge cake, the part of you that vows to go on a diet and the part of you that puts it off till tomorrow.  Subliminals can strengthen your motivation for change and help you toward your goal.  They cannot make you do something that you have no desire to do.


Notice that in the experiment in the movie theater, back in the fifties, in which subliminal suggestion sent popcorn and soft drink sales skyrocketing, a hundred percent of the movie goers did not buy those items — only those who were predisposed to do so.  Subliminals cannot make you do anything you’re not interested in or don’t believe in, and certainly not anything against your ethics or value system. 


Myth #2:  If you have never used a subliminal tape or CD your mind has not been subliminally programmed.  Untrue!  Some people say things like,  “I’m not going to put anything subliminal into my brain!”  For these people, I have news:  Every one of us on the planet is being subliminally programmed every second of every day of our lives.  Whether we like it or not.


Why? Because all the sounds in our environment that are a little bit out of the range of conscious hearing are heard by the subconscious part of the mind.  Also, all sounds that are loud enough to be heard but are “drowned out” by something louder are also heard by the subconscious.  


That means when you passed that construction site this morning, that remark on your anatomy, buried beneath the jackhammer’s roar was heard by you subliminally.  The same is true of conversations at other tables in restaurants, and all those TV commercials you don’t listen to, even if you’ve gone to the kitchen.  The same is true for all the sights and sounds, (and smells and tastes and touches) around you from the very beginning of your life to the present!  (In computer terms, that’s a pretty big data base!  It’s a good thing there’s plenty of memory.)  That’s why, for example, a witness to a hit and run accident, under hypnosis, can often pull up, from that memory bank, a license plate number which flashed past their field of vision without being memorized or even consciously noticed.


The problem is that so much of this input is negative.  We are bombarded from all sides with blaring radios, angry words, harsh criticisms, distorted advertising slogans, lies and manipulations.  As children we received about twenty negative messages for each positive one.  Much of it may have been intended as constructive criticism, but it registered negatively in our subconscious minds.  It programmed us to believe that we were not really satisfactory the way we were.  (And all the degrees and awards and accolades we can win somehow don’t erase that feeling of not being quite enough.)  It programmed our minds with certain limiting beliefs that keep on holding us back, even after we consciously accept new, more growth producing ideas.


Subliminals give you a choice — a way of flooding your mind with enough positive input, to offset the negative.  Subliminals can set you free.  


Myth # 3:  Subliminal programming is something strange and mysterious.  So anyone who knows enough to make a subliminal audio must have a lot of special high tech information.  Wrong.  If somebody just turned on the bath water very loud and talked into a little hand held tape recorder the result would be — by definition — a subliminal tape.  Now don’t get any ideas.  It would be worthless, but it could be correctly called “subliminal.”


What this means is that nearly every Tom, Dick and Harry who believes there are millions to be made in subliminals is now getting into the act.  Some of them are putting out little more than “bathtub variety” subliminals.  


What does this mean for you?  It means that instead of just a few, there are now many dozens of brands to choose from.  All the conflicting claims and the hype have created a lot of confusion on a subject that (fortunately for some bogus manufacturers) most people know very little about.  That’s why we’ve created this set of guidelines to give you the information you need to keep from getting ripped off.


Myth #4:  If I can’t hear it, it can’t possibly help me.  Actually you can (in the true meaning of the word) “hear” it.  Just not on a conscious level.  It’s the subconscious part of your brain rather than the conscious part that picks up the signal.  So you’re not aware that you’re hearing it.


It’s as if you and I are having a conversation on an airport runway.  A jet plane comes in, and even though we’re still talking, we can no longer hear each other.  At least not consciously.  The plane has “drowned out” our voices.  But the sounds of our conversation are still vibrating in our ears and sending messages to our brain.  The difference is that now it’s the subconscious portion of our brains.  Since the subconscious is the part that’s really in charge, this affects us much more than what we hear consciously.


So subliminal technology is not voodoo.  It’s not magic, although the results sometimes seem like it!  It’s very real in the physical sense.


Myth #5:  Taking in a large number of messages would confuse my brain.  NOT EVEN CLOSE!  Our brains are truly wonderful things!  In that small space inside your head is a highly sophisticated instrument whose capabilities dwarf the largest, most powerful computers ever devised.  We use only a tiny fraction of our brain’s vast capacity.  It’s been estimated at about 5%.  Albert Einstein is said to have used 8%.  What if you could double your capacity?  Just think how that would change your life!  The right subliminals can help toward that!  


How and why subliminals work: An inside look at the new technology

Let’s take a look at how subliminals are made:  A series of short positive sentences like, “I am calm and confident,” or “I am relaxed,” are read into a microphone and recorded.  Then a covering sound, such as water sounds or music, is recorded over it at a higher volume.  That’s the basic minimum, but a tape like that would give you little or no result.  Yet using advanced technology, they can be made to pack incredible power. 


Read the Subliminal Audio Shopper's CheckList to find out what it takes to make it happen for you.